Understanding Personal Injury Law

Understanding Personal Injury Law

  • 5 Steps to Take Immediately after Taking a Tumble in a Place of Business

    Even though businesses with customer traffic have a responsibility to keep the floors safe and hazard free, occasionally accidents do happen, and this unfortunately means that you could be the unwitting customer who takes a tumble right in the middle of a store, restaurant, or other place of business. While most business owners will step up and make sure you are okay and any medical costs that come due to your injuries are covered, occasionally you may have to file a legal claim just to be compensated for your injuries.

  • The Pitfalls Of Recorded Statements And Your Personal Injury Case

    If you have filed against the at-fault driver in an auto accident that left you injured, you will soon very likely be receiving a telephone call from the other side's insurance company. This insurance adjuster will be unfailingly polite and will be skilled in putting you at ease, but this phone call should trigger a very cautious response from you. You should understand that saying the wrong thing during this phone call could place your insurance claim in jeopardy, so read on to learn more about how to handle this call and to avoid damaging your chances for fair compensation.

  • Understanding Some Facts About Slip And Fall Accidents That Involve A Public School

    If your child has recently been involved in a slip and fall at school and has undergone medical treatment for the injury, then you may want to recoup your financial losses. If you feel strongly about this, then you should speak with a law firm about the incident. However, you should understand a few things about the potential lawsuit before you file any paperwork. The School May Be Exempt From Lawsuits

  • Is It Legal for an Employer to Terminate an Injured Employee on Workers' Comp?

    A common misconception about workers' compensation is that while out recovering from injuries, an employee cannot lose his or her job. Unfortunately, in some situations, an employer retains the right to fire an employee. If you have been terminated or believe that you will be while out on workers' compensation, here is what you need to know.  What Are the Reasons Your Employer Can Fire You? If you live in an at-will state, your employer can fire you without giving cause.

  • Do I Need A Personal Injury Lawyer?

    When you're dealing with a personal injury claim, it can sometimes (but not always) be helpful to call in a lawyer. Here are some things to look at.  Severity of the Injury For smaller injuries, such as soft tissue injuries, it may not be that helpful to get a lawyer. You're looking at a simple case that judges see every day. It may not even be necessary to get a trial, since your insurance payout should cover most of the costs.

2024© Understanding Personal Injury Law
About Me
Understanding Personal Injury Law

About a year ago, I was left dealing with injuries sustained during a serious car accident. I was worried that I would never be the same, so I decided to start looking into ways to make things right. After thinking about the wreck, I realized that since it wasn't my fault, I shouldn't be left with all of the medical expenses. I decided that I needed to look into things a little further, and I decided to file a personal injury lawsuit. My lawyer helped me to come to grips with the extent of my injuries and helped me to make things right. This blog is all about understanding personal injury lawsuits.