Understanding Personal Injury Law

Understanding Personal Injury Law

3 Ways Prescription Blood Thinners Can Be Dangerous

Celina Nichols

If you are at risk for blood clots, or if your doctor tells you that your blood is too thick, you may be prescribed anticoagulants. These medications work very well in preventing clot formation, however, they may raise the risk for dangerous, even life-threatening adverse reactions. If you have experienced any of the following, and have sustained permanent damage to your health, contact a personal injury attorney who will research your case to determine if you have enough evidence to move forward with a lawsuit:


Thrombocytopenia is a condition that refers to a low platelet count. Platelets are the components in your blood that help it from getting too thin. Anticoagulants, which are typically prescribed to prevent blood clots, heart attacks, and stroke, can decrease platelet aggregation, causing your blood to lose some of its clotting ability.

Signs and symptoms of thrombocytopenia may include excessive bruising, red or purple pinpoint marks on your skin, and bleeding from your mouth, nose, urinary tract, or gastrointestinal tract. When your platelets are too low, you may also experience lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Before visiting the office of your personal injury lawyer, get a copy of your blood work from your doctor's office which will substantiate your claim of having this condition. 


If you take a prescription anticoagulant, you may be at a greater risk for a hemorrhage. According to the National Institutes of Health, "although highly effective, they are also associated with significant bleeding risks." In addition to bleeding risks, anticoagulants may also be associated with anemia and kidney disease.

Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, as well as bleeding in the brain may related to blood-thinning medications, so if you take them and develop bright red blood in your stool, or if your bowel movements are dark and tarry, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Also, if you experience a severe headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, or if you are unable to speak clearly, experience numbness or tingling, or if lose your vision, seek emergency medical treatment immediately. These may be signs of internal bleeding and hemorrhage. 


While prescription anticoagulant medications are not commonly associated with osteoporosis, or bone thinning, chronic use of blood thinners can heighten the risk for it. This degenerative condition is usually seen in post-menopausal women, or in those who had their ovaries removed.

Menopause and surgical removal of the ovaries can lead to decreased circulation estrogen, and in women, adequate levels of estrogen is what keeps bones strong. Certain anticoagulants affect the production of vitamin K, a key nutrient that helps your blood from getting too thin.  

While the exact link between prescription anticoagulant medications and osteoporosis remains uncertain, "the cause may be related to bone turnover effects and certain dietary restrictions placed upon patients on anticoagulant therapy," explains PubMed.

If you develop osteoporosis and decide to pursue a lawsuit against the makers of the pharmaceutical company, your physician and attorney will need to prove that you did not have preexisting bone thinning or brittle bone disease prior to the initiation of anticoagulant therapy. 

If you develop any of the above conditions as a result of taking a prescription anticoagulants, meet with your physician and personal injury lawyer. By working together, you may have enough medical evidence to substantiate a lawsuit that will monetarily reward you for your pain and suffering, as well as your future medical costs. Contact a business, such as the Shaw Leslie Law Office, for more information.   


2024© Understanding Personal Injury Law
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Understanding Personal Injury Law

About a year ago, I was left dealing with injuries sustained during a serious car accident. I was worried that I would never be the same, so I decided to start looking into ways to make things right. After thinking about the wreck, I realized that since it wasn't my fault, I shouldn't be left with all of the medical expenses. I decided that I needed to look into things a little further, and I decided to file a personal injury lawsuit. My lawyer helped me to come to grips with the extent of my injuries and helped me to make things right. This blog is all about understanding personal injury lawsuits.