Understanding Personal Injury Law

Understanding Personal Injury Law

Do I Need A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Celina Nichols

When you're dealing with a personal injury claim, it can sometimes (but not always) be helpful to call in a lawyer. Here are some things to look at. 

Severity of the Injury

For smaller injuries, such as soft tissue injuries, it may not be that helpful to get a lawyer. You're looking at a simple case that judges see every day. It may not even be necessary to get a trial, since your insurance payout should cover most of the costs. The situation gets more difficult if you receive negligent medical care, and then a personal injury lawyer may be a good idea. 

With a more severe injury that causes long term disability or death, a lawyer is almost always a good plan. If you're looking at a large sum of money, you don't want to have a large margin of error and leave money on the table. This is especially true if you don't feel effective at arguing for yourself, such as when there is a lot of legal or technical expertise needed. 

Government Liability 

If a government organization was partly at fault for your injury, not only should you hire a lawyer, but you should make sure that they have specific expertise in filing claims against the government. Claims can work differently when you're suing the government; there may be filing deadlines and additional stipulations for suing these entities. After all, since government officials are paid to address your claims with taxpayers' dollars, there's a high level of accountability, and your claim may not even be heard if it's deemed to be a waste of time. 

Low-ball or Mishandling Claims

Another time when a lawyer is definitely needed is when you think the insurer has mishandled your claim. This type of trial is called a "bad faith" claim. If you think that the insurance company grossly underestimated your payouts based on the evidence you provided, this can be an issue of contention for a personal injury lawyer to deal with. Another example of a mishandled claim is when the insurance company refused to pay for a medical bill that should clearly fall under their protection, and it cost you in terms of money or health. 

If you're not sure whether your claim needs the attention of a personal injury lawyer, it doesn't hurt to get a consultation. Since many personal injury attorneys are paid on a contingency fee, they're likely to be upfront with you about how strong the case is and whether a lawyer's help would be beneficial. 


2024© Understanding Personal Injury Law
About Me
Understanding Personal Injury Law

About a year ago, I was left dealing with injuries sustained during a serious car accident. I was worried that I would never be the same, so I decided to start looking into ways to make things right. After thinking about the wreck, I realized that since it wasn't my fault, I shouldn't be left with all of the medical expenses. I decided that I needed to look into things a little further, and I decided to file a personal injury lawsuit. My lawyer helped me to come to grips with the extent of my injuries and helped me to make things right. This blog is all about understanding personal injury lawsuits.